Our friends to the South need our help with monetary gifts for supplies. Aside from COVID-19 itself, the fallout from joblessness is of serious concern. México ruled that most jobs are non-essential. The unemployment is staggering. The government provides no assistance to these jobless workers. Pastor Robelio’s church has teamed with three other churches in the Baja Presbytery to hand out food to those critically in need. These churches have also started a relief fund to purchase COVID-19 treatment drugs, medical supplies. Ten churches also need thermometers and sanitation supplies. Please continue your prayers for Baja Presbyterian Missions and our Presbyterian churches in México who face a horrendous struggle. Please also pray for our Mexican brothers and sisters in Christ who are struggling to stay healthy while returning to work. If you wish to help, please make your check out to NPC and in the memo of your check put Baja Mission. 100% of your gift will be sent to this Mission Ministry.