Northminster News - September 2021
Calendar of Events:
Sunday 10am: Worship in person or on Zoom
Monday 7:30am: Prayer Team
Tuesday 6pm : Unity Group
Thursday 7:30am: Prayer Team
From Pastor Jay
Last week our Sunday message marked a major transition in the focus of the Book of Acts. The first twelve chapters took place in the regions around Jerusalem, Peter was the primary focus, and the mission was to take the good news of Jesus the Messiah to the Jewish people. The thirteenth chapter expands the church outward all the way to Rome, Paul is the primary focus, and the Gospel message is now directed to gentiles. It was the church in Antioch that sends Paul and Barnabas on what we refer to as ‘Paul’s First Missionary Journey’. I can’t help but wonder how most of us would do if called to such a task.
But then I remember that Jesus did call us to this very thing in The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20: Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.) These famous words are a reminder that as followers of Christ we are all called to be evangelists. Witnessing to non-Christians is not to be left to pastors or the ‘Billy Grahams’ of the world.
We have a responsibility to display Christ in our lives both verbally and non-verbally. However, this is one of the most neglected responsibilities of Christians in America. A survey conducted by the Dallas Theological Seminary found that less than 5% of Christians in America witness verbally even once a year. I believe that there are five basic reasons why we do not witness more often:
1. We are afraid to talk about our faith to anyone
2. We don’t know how to go about it or what to say
3. We tried it once and had a terrible experience
4. We have a negative view of evangelism and don’t feel our place is to discuss religion with strangers
5. We simply don’t care about sharing our faith with anyone
While some of these may seem more valid than others, they all result in a silent witness. While a silent witness can be powerful to those who already know we are Christians; simply being kind or generous or helpful to a stranger does not help them know Jesus or move them any closer to God. Acts does not let us off the hook in carrying out Jesus’ command to make disciples. However, Act does show us that the Holy Spirit goes before us and is preparing the heart of those we meet. Our job is not to ‘convert’ them, it is simply to share our faith story. Here are some helpful hints I have found in sharing with others:
- Know your Bible and know what you believe
- Be yourself and share from your personal experiences
- Always be sensitive and sincere
- Pray and let God do the rest.
Please share your stories with me, whether good or bad. Being obedient in this way you will be blessed, and the Holy Spirit will give you joy.
From Dave and JoAn Johnson - Ladle Fellowship
What a great Sunday we had at First Presbyterian Church. Most of you know JoAn can’t stay out of the kitchen and when we found her there, she was washing pots and pans. It seems no one likes that job and she jumped right in. The cook found out about her kitchen experience and was trying to recruit her to be a fill-in cook.
Meanwhile Dave was finding lots to do. He helped with set-up and serving. We served about 100 people that Sunday. This was one of the first Sundays that First Presbyterian started serving inside since during COVID it was all outside. People got a great meal of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and yogurt, along with milk and punch to drink. A separate coffee bar area was available for coffee with all the extras including cream and sugar. There was enough food that some got seconds and thirds. The meal was pre-packaged in the kitchen, so it was quick and easy to serve, and they were able to take it as well as their extra helpings to-go. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were provided to those who didn’t want meat or just wanted a treat.
There was an area for clothes distribution, and many took advantage of getting “new” clothes and shoes. All they had to do was check off what they wanted on the provided order list. A team was assigned to fill the clothing requests and when it was ready their order number was called for them to pick it up. Pastor Jay was on gate duty and Swithen was at the phone charging and electronic support area.
It was great to see how the regulars interacted with the volunteers; all were very appreciative of being able to get out of the sun and off the street for an hour or two in a safe environment to get a good hot meal, needed clothes and charge their phones. All in all, it was a blessed day for us and hopefully for the people we served. We will volunteer again and hope you will too.
From Veronica Doyle - Community Garden
We are always looking for community members who share a passion for gardening and wish to enjoy the fellowship that comes with digging in the dirt together!
Our gardeners meet weekly on Saturdays, currently at 9:00am to share joys, challenges... and produce! You are welcome to come at that time to meet us and find out more.
Each 5' x 10' box has its own irrigation system and timer, so even if you can't get to the garden every day, you can still participate.
You can garden anytime you like- no restrictions on time of day.
We have a robust composting system and many shared tools and seeds.
A nominal membership fee of $5/month is your only cost. Renewals occur every 6 months; once you have a box you can garden with us indefinitely.
Our gardeners share ideas, questions, photos, and announcements on an online group page, which you are welcome to join once you join our garden.
Outreach Projects - Backpacks for CCSA 2021
From Nancy Riggs - Looking Back at VBS
Vacation Bible school or VBS as we would call it... was one of the best outreach programs we offered at Northminster. Many of the children didn’t know the Lord or have a church of their own. The excitement they found at VBS to learn about who Jesus was incredible! Our church members and friends volunteered to help and loved every minute they got to spend with these children for one week. You could feel the love that poured out from the volunteers to the children. Many memories were made here at Northminster and they will always be treasured. What a beautiful way to teach children about who Jesus was and what he did for others. When leaving, all the children and adults would tell us what a fabulous week they had enjoyed...and they all are anxious to come back next year!
From Paula Cunningham - VBS Evolves
VBS is a weeklong, morning to noon program, sharing Bible stores, favorite praise songs, and game time for school age kids. Northminster has added art, crafts, painting and creativity, evolving VBS to Artsy Adventure Camp. Each day the camper attends chapel, hears a Bible story and sings praise songs then dismissed to smaller groups for art and crafts classes. There is a play session and snack session provided.
The Artsy adventure camp is a wonderful program - as an adult in the church family I can volunteer to teach the children about the love of God and Jesus. It is a chance to share what I consider a gift of storytelling. I love becoming a storyteller in character sometimes a bit crazy but always amazing to tell a Bible story in costume and in character. I have kids recognize me from years of the past and call me by my character name... Getting to play games with the kids and create an art project continues to be fun and I enjoy my yearly week of volunteering. Artsy adventure Camp, formerly VBS, is an important part of outreach from our church family. It has also allowed my 4 children, throughout their teens and early 20’s yes the boys are in their 20’s ... to become a partof Gods mission and fellowship something bigger than themselves.
I hope to see the program continue and be a part of this valuable outreach and teaching group.
News articles are always welcome. Please send by the 25th of each month to Carol Weckman.