CCSA Christmas Plans 2020

This year many changes have and arc occurring. Adapting lo these changes and attempting to continue our care of neighbors, family, and ourselves has given us opportunities for growth, for patience, and for deeper understanding of God's care and love for all people. CCSA, (Community Christian Service Agency) a local agency that has been helping people in emergency need of food, clothing, and counseling for over 40 years, has been concentrating its efforts on food distribution to families and homeless persons and serving approximately 30% more persons this year than in 2019, with generous donations from the community and local churches.

In years past CCSA has provided San Diego clients with special food baskets at Christmastime. Last year more than 200 families received baskets and 150 or so homeless persons were given bags of necessities and candy. All recipients received gift cards in their baskets/bags— for purchase of whatever extra items might be needed.

The baskets were prepared with loving care by individuals and families, buying foods and gifts thoughtfully and packing barrels to the brim. Bags for the homeless included new sox, gloves, and hats, as well as sweets and Christmas cards. Deacons at Northminster PC have overseen the collection and creation of the Christmas baskets—18 or so in 2019 and similarly in previous years.

This Christmas, because of complicating factors re Covid, CCSA has decided to give only gift cards to clients, and, therefore, instead of the joy of shopping and packing baskets and bags, persons who are concerned for those in need in San Diego ARE BEING ASKED TO CONSIDER GIVING ONLY CASH or CHECKS this year. The money will be turned into gift cards for the needy—a truly GREEN CHRISTMAS. We might think in terms of the cost if we were providing a basket ($100?) or a bag ($15?) when deciding what numbers should go on a check to CCSA.

At Northminster, these checks could be made out to Northminster Presbyterian Church, noting that the donation should be forwarded to “CCSA Christmas Program." Of, course, we can always send the financial gift directly to CCSA at 4167 Rappahannock Ave., SD 92117.

This famous line seems appropriate here. “God bless us, every one!”